Monday, March 24, 2008

IBM: Switch to a new world

IBM announced that it has built a nanophotonic switch that can control flow of data on chip using pulses of light instead of electrons.

  • The nanophotonic switch is 100 times smaller than a human hair.
  • This optical switch is supposed to give greater performance and use less energy.
  • IBM says that using optical communication between the cores would dramatically cut processor's energy needs and the heat it emits.
  • IBM's dream to turn Super Computers to laptops may become a reality. So, by 2020 we may see Laptop Super Computers.
  • The new chip would require the energy required to power a light bulb as against the super computer, which would require energy to power hundreds of homes.

see photo

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Srini said...

Good Information Ravinder, expecting more intresting news from your B.L.O.G

Ravinder Pasula said...

sure Srini!